Andrei Bogdanov

Dice for games

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How it works

  1. Dice are intended for any game that uses one to six dice.
  2. The main screen has two menu buttons “Play” and “Counter”.
  3. On the “Play” screen, in order for the dice to change their value (roll the dice), you just need to touch the image with the dice.
  4. On the “Counter” screen, all “throws” are automatically counted. You can reset the counter by clicking on the corresponding button below the counter digit.
  5. Clicking on the menu sign in the upper left will open a side menu. You can also swipe across the screen from left to right to open the side menu.
  6. The side menu contains sections: “Statistics”, “Notes”, “Settings” and “About”.
  7. The Statistics screen displays the total number of shots per day. All days when there were games are organized in the form of a list. The list is filtered so that each subsequent day appears at the top of the list.
  8. You can delete any of the days by swiping from right to left. If you accidentally deleted the wrong day that you wanted, just click on the “Undo” button. All deleted days will be returned. However, it should be remembered that if you delete a day, then exit to the main window and continue playing, then returning to the “Statistics” window, the “Undo” button will not restore the previously deleted days!
  9. It is also possible to delete the entire list at once by clicking on the corresponding buttons “Delete” and then “Delete all?”. If you click on the “Delete all?” a dialog box will be displayed warning that if deleted, the action cannot be undo and all statistics (date and number of throws) will be deleted.
  10. Notes are for any notes the user needs. If you need to delete all notes, you can click on the corresponding “Delete all” button and confirm your choice.
  11. On the Settings screen, you can select the number of dice. By default, this value is equal to two dice. After selecting and returning to the main window, the selected number of dice will be immediately reflected on the “Play” screen.
  12. Also in the “Settings” section you can enable the “summation” of the appearing values ​​for the cubes and the “delay”.
  13. “Summarize” means that the values ​​of the dropped dice will be automatically summed up and displayed on the screen.
  14. Delay means the dice will spawn asynchronously. Also, when the “delay” function is on, the effect of “twisting” is implemented, a quick enumeration of different values.
  15. In addition to the basic functions available by default, the application has additional functions. The use of additional functions is available after payment.
  16. Payment is made on the terms and technical basis of the App Store.
  17. The “About” screen displays a short but true story of how the app was created. And also contact information is indicated.

For any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to contact the developer’s email address: